BYU Hawaii-Cosmopolitan Landing...
All of the students with whom we will be working, go to BYU Hawaii. They are on scholarship there on the iWork Program. Any of you that have been to BYU Provo, know that is a VERY big place with some 30,000 students. BYU Hawaii is a little different. The school is pushing, I mean pushing, 3000 students.
Do the math. Not very big at all. Nevertheless, they offer a fully accredited program to all that go there. Of that 3000 student population, however, there are over 70 countries represented, many of them from the Pacific Rim. It has a completely different feel than that of Provo.
Football team? Nope, but they have everything else. Music, yep, but they even have a steel band called the Shaka Steel Band. You can't find that on the Provo Campus!
Plus, I am sure there is not another Church campus that has more Hawaiian wear on it than that campus.
Consider for a moment that this is a big and confusing campus for many of the students that will attend there. Coming off the islands, they are not really used to that kind of population and requirements to survive in a University setting. In talking to one of the iWork Missionaries, they said the students have no problem working at the Polynesian Cultural Center, but attending all of their classes is another issue. I don't know; it does not sound much different than any freshman student in a way! I look forward to meeting them.