Wednesday, April 13, 2016

     In just 55 days, my wife and I will be entering the Mission Field together as we embark upon working in the Hawaii, Honolulu Mission as Program Advisors at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  We are looking forward to the realization of this opportunity, having promised to do this together over 41 years ago after completing our first missions.  To say we are anxious to do this would be an understatement.  There is a program at BYU-Hawaii that enables students from the Pacific Islands to attend BYU on scholarship as long as they work, attend school and then go home to their islands and serve after completing their education.  We are going to help them succeed in that goal.


  1. I'm so excited for you! I'm sure I'll see you at least once while you're there! Aloha!

  2. Whoa! Just ran into this by accident. How long did you sign up for? 55 days from April 13. PCC. Surely they will take advantage of Bill's music talents. We will be following your adventure. Proud of you both!

    1. Enter MTC June 6 and then go to Hawaii on June 11 for one year and a half. Looking forward to the experience.
