Thursday, June 2, 2016

3 More Days!!! Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah

Image result for Missionary training Center Provo

Image result for Missionary training Center Provo
Only three more days to go and we will commence this Big Adventure!  By the way;  in case you did not know.  We go on the 6th of June to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.  We will be there from Monday to Friday.  All the new missionaries, whether Senior or the other younger missionaries, go to one of the many Training Centers before going out to the "Field."

Ours will be a very different training as well as we have such a specialized mission.  We will meet with the couple we are replacing, the Beagley's for one of the first days.  They already came home and live in Pleasant Grove.  They are coming to get us and go over everything that we will be doing in Hawaii.

Other time will be spent going over "Preach My Gospel,"  making sure we understand how that works and I bet we will be meeting a few people that are going to the same mission as us.

This is getting exciting!

Saturday, the 11th, we arrive in Honolulu in the afternoon!
Image result for honolulu airport

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