Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Day One! Blast Off!!!

We have made it here!  Arrived!

There are about 1500 young missionaries here and about 103 Senior Missionaries that arrived here yesterday with us!  Unbelievable!  They are going all over the world.  You name it and they are going there.  The pictures above show us entering the MTC thanks to Margie, Mary's sister, bringing us, and the other photo is us in the cafeteria.  Great shot.  Check out the young, male missionary photobombing us!  They told us to get in and mix it up with the young missionaries.  We did!  Easy for us.  We had a great time with them too!
Many inspirational talks too.  Probably the most important talk, echoes what Bishop Daines told me when I was leaving to say good-bye;  "Bill, just go and do it without a worry about home."  All will be well and your families will be blessed by supporting you as you go.  We know we have that support too.
We met the people we are replacing today.  They live in Pleasant Grove.  We went to their house, learned how to make cinnamon bread (a door opener in Hawaii when we get there) and talked about all the responsibilities of the job.
I am even more excited to go and do it!!!


  1. Sounds like all is going well. Glad you ran into my buddy Chris Justice. I ask him to keep an eye on you guys. Cinnamon bread sounds good !!!

  2. Sounds like all is going well. Glad you ran into my buddy Chris Justice. I ask him to keep an eye on you guys. Cinnamon bread sounds good !!!

  3. Aww, the MTC!! My time at the MTC remains to this day, the place where I have some some of my fondest memories of the mission. Of course, my experience was in Chile and I'm sure it's a very different experience as a senior couple, but I'm sure the spirit is the same. Wishing you guys the best!

    1. Thanks for the well wishes. My first time at the MTC was the LTM! (Language Training Mission). It was NOTHING like this. I can see why you would like it here! Thanks for the input.
