Tuesday, June 14, 2016

We Have Arrived!!!

We have arrived!  That's right, we are in Hawaii.  We left Provo, for SLC airport around 8:30 am and took off around 11:30 am.  Six hours later, we arrived at Honolulu Airport and felt the breezes of Hawaii.  It is nice and warm.  We were greeted by Elder Woods.  He is the Coordinator of the Senior Missionary Program here at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  After a lei greeting, schlepping our suitcases to the car, we set out to Walmart for supplies!   The closest Walmart is 1 hour away from Laie, so it is not just a jaunt over to Duarte.  You have to plan.

We had dinner at the local Wendy's and then set out for Laie, arriving at around 6 pm.  Being that it was Saturday, everyone was out going to the beach and other activities all across the Island.

We came to Laie with one other sister; Sister Dykman.  She is going to work in the Island Office.  What is that?  I don't know and neither does she!  We dropped her off, and headed away to stow our items.

Our home will be on Palekana Street.  It is very centrally located.  We will live downstairs, and three other Sisters will live above us.  They workat different venues at the PCC too.  Some of them work in costumes, some in offices.

We then picked up our "Island Car."An "Island Car" is a car that is passed on from one Missionary Couple to another.  We purchased this Kia minivan and will be our "hot rod" for the next 18 months.  Got to bed around 10:30, (around 1:30, Utah time and prepared for Sunday.  It's great to be here.


  1. That was great! Loved reading every bit! I can hear your voice; it's lovely!

  2. I love the update. I was anxious to hear about your arrival. Great pics of your new digs and new ride. Have a great week.

  3. It's so fun to read this! So happy you made it safe. Aloha!

  4. We want to go with you! ........ But this blog is a great second choice.

  5. Glad you are liking it! Come on over and see the real thing!
